CLICK TO SELECT YOUR STARTING SECTOR ^ ARMOR ^ POINTS SECTOR ^ DEMO TIME EXPIRED boogaloopers prefs REGISTERED TO: UNREGISTERED This game is distributed as shareware. Please see the "Read Me" file for information on how to register. If you wish to "try out" this game, please wait for the Demo button. Demo games are limited to 10 minutes. :data:demos:demo^^ Are you sure you want to end this game? BOOGALOOPIN' HEROES OF THE VOID :data:scores High Score Contest :data:px:info3 :data:px:info2 :data:px:info1 :data:px:sprites2 :data:clut:^^^.clt :data:px:title :data:px:logo GAME OVER :data:snd:snd list PAUSED BOOGA VORTEX SECTOR :data:px:sprites